Specifications include, but are not limited to: Notify CSWD personnel when onsite to perform work. CSWD personnel need to be present during cleaning activity. Provide maintenance services to include the cleaning of eleven (11) catch basins (utilizing a vactor truck or equivalent equipment) and the disposal of catch basin material at a State approved disposal site. The Contractor shall supply sufficient equipment to remove the accumulated dirt, refuse and other debris from catch basins. The contractor is responsible to clean each basin to the bottom. All walls will be scraped, with the residual fill being removed to a minimum of 4” from the bottom when leveled. At the completion of each cleaning, the basin lid, frame and surrounding area shall be swept. Jetting or rodding may be required to loosen debris materials to assure complete removal. Along with cleaning the contractor is responsible for recording the depth cleaned and reporting any illicit discharges and needed structural repairs. All material removed from catch basins shall be properly handled and disposed by the contractor in accordance with all regulatory rules and regulations regarding material, including but not limited to the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation and the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Traffic Control: Catch basins located at the ORF, WDOC, and MRF are in the vicinity of public facing infrastructure and traffic. Coordinate with District on timelines needed to complete work and how traffic will be managed during onsite work. Storm Inlet Filter Pad: Redress catch basins 2 and 3 at landfill road with new Storm Inlet Filter Pads. Ensure filter pads are secured with heavy duty zip ties.