Specifications include, but are not limited to: Femtosecond Laser and Optical Amplifier System should include the following or equivalent: Astrella-F-1K: one box femtosecond amplifier system with 208/230VAC/60Hz or 200VAC/50Hz air-cooled chiller. Specifications: Pulse Energy >7 mJ; Repetition rate: 1 kHz; Average power >7 W; Pulse Width <100 fs; M2 <1.25; Center Wavelength: 780 - 820nm is requested at time of order, 800nm nominal; Pre-Pulse Contrast: 1000:1; Post-Pulse Contrast: 100:1; Power Stability: 0.5% rms over 24 hours; Polarization: Linear, horizontal; Pointing Stability <10 urad over 24 hours; Output beam size: 11 mm 1/e2 Vitara-S Ti:Sapphire Oscillator; Sealed, fully integrated seed oscillator with internal Verdi-G OPSL pump laser. Internally integrated into Astrella system...