• Control of all household arthropods, insect pests, pest animals and invertebrates which may invade buildings, attacking their contents or furnishings or being of a general nuisance to people, for all buildings and areas listed in the Treatment and Pricing Schedule below. • Emergency services at any time for control of household insects and pests as situation warrants. Contractor’s response to notification of such a need for this type of service shall be within two (2) hours of request. • Removal and trapping of nuisance animals such as opossums, raccoons, armadillos, skunks, rats, mice, birds, feral cats, and bats. This is to include the removal of deceased animals. • Vendor/contractor will be required to provide a dedicated technician to USM between the hours of 7 A.M. – 5 P.M. Monday through Friday. In the space below, provide the name of the individual proposed to serve in this capacity. On Site Technician: _________________________. You are required to include with your bid all credentials and certifications/registrations currently held by this individual. You are also required to provide proof of a nationwide background check on the individual prior to work commencement. • During monthly or 3 month service intervals, depending on the building being treated, along with interior treatment, successful contractor will be required to perform a perimeter barrier treatment in accordance with Label instructions, for the chemical being proposed for use, on each building exterior.