The Consultant will provide professional services for the preparation and/or review of Traffic Impact Analyses (TIA) for proposed development projects as required by Section 3-11 of the Irmo Zoning Ordinance, to be adopted by Town Council on August 20, 2024. Work under this Indefinite Delivery Contract (IDC) may include but is not limited to 1. Assist the Town in determining the requirement for and the appropriate level of TIA; 2. Prepare the scope of work and fee proposal for individual TIA or review of developerprovided TIA; 3. Prepare TIA which addresses all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and SCDOT standards; 4. Review developer-provided TIA and prepare a report stating whether the TIA and its conclusions conform with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, and recommending revisions and/or additional analysis; 5. Consult with Town, County, SCDOT, and developer on data requirements, projections, and findings; 6. Disclose actual or potential conflicts of interest in undertaking specific assignments; 7. Provide additional traffic engineering services to the Town as needed