Specifications include, but are not limited to: Hand Cutting: Cut ALL live and dead standing conifer trees (including, pinyon pine, juniper, spruce, and fir) up to 10” DBH within units 4-9. Felled boles will be cut into sections less than 4ft long, and piled Stump heights will be less than 6” on uphill side. Cut all downed woody material less than 10” diameter within 1 chain (66 feet) of activity piles and pile. Hand Piling: Cut trees and downed woody material will be hand piled to facilitate burning- this includes felled trees and naturally occurring downed material within 1 chain of activity piles. All cut and downed material with a minimum size of 1” diameter and maximum 10” diameter shall be piled. Piles shall be: Approximately 8ft tall by 8ft wide Include all downed woody material less than 10” diameter within 1 chain of activity piles. Free of dirt and trash. Solid and compacted. Not hollow. Other Requirements: The following areas shall be free from treatment slash, piles and tree boles created by this project: Roadways and road edges for a distance of 15 feet. Cut and fill slopes. Ditches, rolling dips, water bars, and other water management features. Culverts for a distance of 15 feet. Improvements such as established trails, telephone poles, power lines, stock driveways, fences, established land corners, etc. for a distance of 15 feet. Perennial (flowing) streams for a distance of 100 feet.