Specifications include, but are not limited to: The City envisions development of the Parcel with a focus on providing market rate & affordable housing, and a diversity of housing choices to downtown while using structured parking to satisfy a portion of the demand generated by the development is certainly something that would be welcomed. The City desires a building of an architectural quality that befits the site location and sets the bar for other developments. • Residential. If the proposal is residential in nature, the development should be developed with an eye toward mid-rise typology. A mid-rise building could be supplemented with additional townhouse units fronting on some portions of various streets to make for a more active streetscape. To the extent not provided by commercial or other active public-oriented uses, live-work units are encouraged to activate the street frontage along streets as well. The unit sizes, unit mix, level of finish, and other unit characteristics and building amenities are left to the developer to determine for best fit to the market, but should be something that elevates Nashua’s housing market. • Retail/Commercial. Retail/commercial or other active public-oriented uses, if any, should be oriented and sited appropriately to ensure continuity with existing neighborhood contextual surrounding(s) the site. It is at the discretion of the developer to determine if inclusion of a commercial use is viable in this development...