Specifications include, but are not limited to: The State seeks proposals for the following: 1. Model selection – The contractor shall review the selected model with the Stormwater Program staff during an initial kick off meeting and summarize its proposed features. 2. Existing Input Data Review - The Stormwater Program will provide the input data used in the original modeling including: land use data, elevation, soils, impervious surfaces mapping, stream cross sections, drainage areas, and treatment practice specifications. The contractor shall review this data and discuss with the Stormwater Program if any modification/substitutions are needed to the existing data sources. 3. Identification of additional data needs – Based on model selection, the contractor will identify any additional data needed to parameterize the model. 4. Sample watershed set up – The contractor and the Stormwater Program will select data from one of the stormwater-impaired watersheds for migration into the new model for calibration. Differences in stormwater runoff as compared to the BMPDSS model will be analyzed. 5. Additional watershed model set up – Populate models for the other identified stormwater-impaired watersheds as the budget allows. 6. Develop a user guide – The consultant will provide or develop a set of instructions for tasks designed for municipal users, such as adding treatment practices and drainage area information.