NDOT plans to expand L-56G using a 2+2 strategy which involves utilizing the existing two lanes and adding two new lanes adjacent to the existing lanes. The resulting roadway cross section will be a 4-lane divided highway. Where practical, the existing lanes will remain on alignment, and it is proposed to maintain the existing profile. It is assumed that the existing lanes will be resurfaced upon completion of the new lanes. There are two (2) existing bridge structures and one (1) bridge-sized box culvert that will be considered for replacement, rehabilitation, repair, or extension with twin structures built adjacent to the existing bridge structures to accommodate the new 2+2 facility. New right-of-way (ROW), utility rehabilitation, extensive grading, and culvert work will be required for the expansion of L-56G. Consultant must have the capabilities to conduct the necessary environmental reviews and create documents required to support an Individual Section 404 Permit application.