Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Station the project centerline every 100'. Paint stations on paved shoulder, or where no paved shoulder exists, paint stations on travel lanes outside of apparent wheel paths. 2. Station reference points along the project in the event the painted centerline stations fade. 3. Station, offset and inspect all drainage structures. Note condition, cover, size, type, thickness, safety end treatment, headwall, length and other information required in EDSM I.1.1.11. Cross-section the roadway and ditches at cross drain locations. 4. Cross-section the roadway and ditches at a minimum of every 1000' but not less than 3 representative sections. Cross-section the roadway at the PC, PT, and apex of curves to determine superelevation rates, and at visible changes in cross slopes. Station and cross section intersecting roads or driveways within curves and note radii, if applicable. Cross section 0’, 25’, 50’, 100’, 200’ 300’ and 400’ from bridge ends or obstacles requiring guard rail protection. 5. Station and measure travel lanes and shoulder widths at transition points or changes in material type. Station and measure turn lanes, acceleration and deceleration lanes, crossovers, and parking lanes. Locate all roads and driveways within 200’ of bridge end. 6. Determine the degree of curves, note directions, and locate the stations of the observed PCs and PTs. 7. Count existing mailboxes within project limits. Count number of single, double, and multiple mailbox supports. Record the length and width of any existing mailbox pads.