The successful bidder (Contractor) shall furnish three (3) 20-feet long Standard Containers per the specifications detailed in this solicitation. Each container shall have two (2) 8’ roll-up doors on the same long side and shall adhere to the specifications listed in this section. All containers shall adhere to the same specifications. Timeline: All containers shall be delivered within three (3) months of contract award. Condition: All containers shall be either new, or used/refurbished in like-new condition. All containers shall be wind/water tight. Exterior Dimensions: Each container shall be 20-feet long by 8-feet wide x 8.5-feet high. Slight variances are allowable upon WSDOT approval. Variances of more than 2-feet in length, 6-inches in width, or 1-foot in height must be noted in the bidder’s response. WSDOT reserves the right to reject variances at or beyond the aforementioned. Interior Dimensions: There are no interior dimensional requirements for these containers. Doors: For all containers, the only doors shall be two (2) 8-foot high roll-up doors spaced evenly on the same long side of the container. Each door shall have a tamper-resistant hasp or other secure latching mechanism allowing for use of a padlock with at minimum 1/4” shackle diameter. Windows: All containers shall have no windows. Venting: The containers shall have through-wall venting on each short wall.