Meetings with Dean Cone, the Leadership Team, and other key stakeholders to review the project plan and key action steps within each step, discuss stakeholders to be involved in the planning process, identify potential members of a steering committee, and establish regular meeting cadence Document Review: Analyze existing documents such as organizational charts, personnel allocation, planning date, annual budgets, recent research-related date, recent partnership date, recent trends in student enrollment and other demographic date, recent trends in student enrollment and other demographic date, student performance metrics, currucula and academic initiatives, surveys (graduating seniors, alumni, employee engagement) and other data as necessary Stakeholder Data Collection and Analysis: Conduct interviews, surveys, listening sessions, and focus groups with key stakeholders (i.e., faculty, staff, students) Organizational Assessment Recommendations: Draft recommendations present to the steering committee and others for review and feedback, modify draft recommendations based on feedback, facilitate a listening session to present a draft for feedback, develop revised, final organizational recommendations