Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1) provide all necessary stamped & sealed Released-for-Construction Plans for each County Road identified; 2) provide required minimum level of environmental documentation & permitting to support project design; 3) Provide Right-of-Way services in conformance with local policy and procedure for property title research, valuation appraisals, and acquisition services in, 4) provide Engineer’s opinion of probable construction cost at completion of conceptual design phase, preliminary design phase, and final design phase; 5) develop and provide a construction time duration to assist with determining allowable time during the construction phase; 6) support Bulloch County as necessary with production of construction bid documents prior to start of the construction procurement phase; 7) support Bulloch County as necessary with developing responses to bidders questions and developing addendums as necessary during the construction procurement phase; 8) support Bulloch County with assessment of all bids submitted and development of a bid recommendation; 9) provide a minimum of ten (10) site inspection visits, performed by the Engineer-of-Record (EOR), each occurring at critical stages during the construction phase and provide a stamped & signed Observation Report prepared by the EOR documenting each site visit.