Specifications include, but are not limited to: • Financial management and reporting of all event-related expenses and revenues. • Market analysis and recommendations on ticket pricing. • Coordinate and secure commitments for event activities such as static displays, vendors, airplane/helicopter rides, entertainers, or other event-related activities. • Coordination, procurement, and oversight of all event-related logistics such as: o Prepare event layout map, including arrangement of ramp use with airport tenants in coordination with Pierce County airport manager. o Provide a sound system for the event. o Sanitation services (bathroom, hand wash, and trash) sufficient for estimated crowds. o On-site emergency response and first aid. o On-site security and traffic control. o Crowd control. o Provide staff and volunteers to set up, work during the event, and tear down/clean-up after the completion of the event. o Prepare and implement the Master Event Incident Operations Plan. o Offsite transportation coordination. o Develop and submit a site map with a proposed parking plan. o Ticket sales and other concessions. • Provide Air Boss services, including: o Prepare and submit all required FAA waivers and compliance plans prior to the event. o Coordination and documentation of the FAA Inspector-In-Charge at the event. o Required NOTAMS are drafted and provided to Pierce County for issuance as needed. o Facilitate issuance of Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR)...