Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. General Requirements a. All data collected by the solution components shall be owned by Kitsap PUD. i. Collected data must never be shared with 3rd parties. 2. Compliance Requirements a. All devices must be compliant with the Build America, Buy America Act (BABA) program. b. Vendors must submit documentation or certification detailing compliance with this requirement. 3. Compatibility a. Devices must be compatible with KPUD’s existing devices, including: i. Calix XGSPON GP4200XH ONT ii. Calix XGSPON E7 OLT with XG1601 Card. 4. Optical Line Terminal (OLT) a. The OLT shall enable a modular, pay-as-you grow architecture. b. The OLT shall comply with the ITU-T G.9807.1 XGS-PON standard within a 1RU rack space. c. Each OLT 1RU chassis shall be able to support up to 2,000 PON ONTs. d. The OLT shall support ITU G.983.5 - Type B Protection and enhanced survivability between two georedundant locations. e. The OLT must be able to automatically allow for an ONT to move from one PON port or line card to another without reconfiguration. 5. OLT Platform a. The OLT platform architecture shall be modular, with modules able to restart and upgrade independently. b. The OLT platform shall ensure an always-on network with stateful operations. c. OLT system upgrades shall allow isolation of functions that are targeted for upgrades and keep the rest of the network operating with zero downtime during the upgrade. Provide at least one customer example or testimonial. d. The OLT platform shall be capable of a virtual environment to test and evaluate actual production software without the need for physical lab systems. 6. Standalone XGSPON ONT a. The ability to operate a speed test from the ONT toward a service provider owned speed test server. 7. Services Management a. Management solution shall allow creation of pre-provisioning of details and service for an ONT before the ONT is assigned to an OLT.