The project consists of dredging the Chestertown Marina described according to plans by Andrews, Miller & Associates dated May 2022. The dredge area measures approximately 83,766 square feet and the objective is to dredge to a depth of 6 feet at mean low water. Dredged material will be loaded exclusively at one central location at Chestertown Marina agreed upon by the contractor and Town of Chestertown. The contractor shall coordinate the project with the Chestertown Marina Manager, and ensure that wood walkways, asphalt parking area, street surfaces and other landward structures shall be protected from damage during the dredging operation. The dredged material consisting of approximately 7,250 cubic yards will be transported by waterproof trucks to the spoils site at the Chestertown Wastewater Treatment Plant located at 25792 John Hanson Road. Preparation of the spoils site includes constructing an upland swale to divert runoff from entering the spoils area, building a stabilized stone construction entrance, and placing a super silt fence according to the plans by DMS & Associates dated March 2022. The Chestertown Marina spoils loading area will be cleaned and restored to its pre-dredge condition once the project is completed. A post-dredge survey will be conducted to verify that the dredge quantity has been met, and release of final payment is contingent on approval by the DNR Waterway Improvement Fund.