Specifications include, but are not limited to: DWR holds a deed of conservation easement on property owned by Washington County, located in Washington County, Utah known as Confluence Park, which was recorded with the Washington County Recorder as Entry Number 00791481 in Book 1503, Page 2247, on November 25, 2002. DWR utilized Pittman-Robertson funding made available through the United States Fish and Wildlife Service in acquiring the Deed of Conservation Easement on Confluence Park. Confluence Park serves as open space, native fish habitat and provides public recreational opportunities. The conservation easement intends to: protect and enhance water quality and water supplies; protect wildlife habitat and maintain habitat connectivity and related values to ensure biodiversity; protect riparian areas; maintain and restore natural ecosystem functions; protect prehistoric and historic cultural sites; protect and enhance non-motorized, outdoor recreational opportunities; protect scenic vistas; protect historic values, and; encourage the public awareness and appreciation of the conservation values of the property. The purposes of the conservation easement are to assure that the property will be retained predominantly in its natural, open space condition and to prevent any use of the property that will significantly impair or interfere with the conservation values of the property, Washington County desires to release 1.457 acres of land from the legal description of the Deed of Conservation Easement in Confluence Park, that no longer holds conservation easement values.