Qualified Architect / Engineer (A/E) to provide program development and verification, design, preliminary cost estimating, permitting assistance, and construction administration services for the UNMC Thermal Energy Storage (TES). The proposed project is to construct a new Thermal Energy Storage (TES) tank and associated pump house. Preliminary studies suggest an approximate tank volume of 3,500,000 gallons. The pump house will be sized to incorporate future campus capacity needs for chilled water, heating hot water, normal power, and emergency power. It is anticipated that additional feeds from Omaha Public Power District will need to be considered to power the TES and associated pump house. All utilities described above will be tied into the existing campus utility system, including ties to the adjacent East Utility Plant (EUP). The architecture of the tank and pump house is not yet determined. It will be important that the architecture aligns with adjacent campus and neighborhood facilities.