Specifications include, but are not limited to: Phase I Preliminary Engineering and Design The Scope of Work shall include all activities necessary to perform preliminary design, utility coordination and environmental studies. These activities will include a preliminary stormwater design memo identifying stormwater constraints and potential alternatives. In preliminary design, the selected firm shall provide 3 alternatives and account for the following: o Driveway connectivity o Construction phasing o Landowner coordination o Stormwater issues & Design Approach o Pedestrian facilities o Optional shared center left turn lane o Optional on street parking o Minimize the use of retaining walls o Minimize impact to existing private property. The required activities for the preliminary engineering and design phase will be considered complete upon selection by the Board of City Commissioners of a proposed alternative. Phase II Final Design Phase II may be negotiated and authorized based on the outcome of Phase I, consultant’s proposal, consultant’s performance, and available funding. Final Design shall consist of design activities following preliminary design which includes preparation of final construction plans, specifications, and estimates; utility coordination; corridor SWMP, basis of design report, and permitting. Final Design will be considered complete upon delivery and approval of final construction plans, specifications, and estimates. The City of Bismarck will conduct the bid opening and execute construction contracts. Phase III Construction, Administration, and Supervision Phase III may be negotiated and authorized based on the outcome of Phase II, consultant’s proposal, consultant’s performance, and available funding. If the selected firm is contracted for construction engineering services, they will be required to meet the following: The selected firm will be responsible for all construction inspection and survey to verify the contractor’s work is performed according to the governing specifications, plans, and special provisions. Construction inspection will require a Registered Engineer to directly supervise all construction engineering as required by Title 28 of the North Dakota Administrative Code. The selected firm will prepare the required engineering and administrative documents and records as required. The selected firm will provide adequate work force to perform the work necessary to meet the contractor’s work schedule. The selected firm’s assigned Project Manager will be capable of reading and interpreting the project documents to ensure proper execution of the project in accordance with the plans and specifications. The selected firm shall include in phase III, as applicable, conducting the preconstruction meeting, construction engineering and inspection, construction survey, measuring and computing pay quantities, construction administration, claims, change orders, review shop drawings, preparing and submitting final documentation, record drawings, and project close out. The consultant will be required to utilize the City’s cloud-based construction management software, Virtual Project Manager. There is no charge to the consultant for using the software and the City will provide training and documentation to the consultant.