Specifications include, but are not limited to: *The Contractor shall strip topsoil (approximately 60’ X 100’ area). Topsoil shall be kept on facility grounds. *The Contractor shall dig down a total 20” (2” asphalt, 6” limestone, 12” of select fill dirt). *The Contractor shall grade, level, and compact the soil. *The Contractor shall fill 12” with select fill dirt to help build a strong foundation for the parking lot. *The Contractor shall place geotextile fabric & a minimum of 6” of 610 Limestone in the graded area. *The Contractor shall pour a minimum of 2” of asphalt over the newly prepared area (approximately 6350 square feet). *The Contractor shall stripe the newly paved parking lot. *The Contractor shall place 10 concrete wheel stops (parking bumpers). *The Contractor shall layout & paint pavement markings with traffic paint.