Specifications include, but are not limited to: • A comparison of the City’s current wastewater utility rates and solid waste rates to those of surrounding providers. • A determination of the revenues required for the city to meet its operating and capital obligations in the current year and future years. • Development of a comprehensive ten-year utility cost of service rate model for the City’s wastewater and solid waste utilities using your approved FY2024 budget, historical volume, current debt service, and capital improvement plan (“CIP”) data as provided by the city. The model will adhere to each respective utility’s industry ratemaking standards to ensure that the cost of service for each customer class is just, reasonable, and accurate. • Prepare up to four (4) alternative proposed wastewater rate plans and up to four (4) alternative solid waste rate plans for the City to review and consider. Each alternative will enable the City to recover sufficient revenues to fund operating and capital costs and to meet key financial objectives. • You will analyze and incorporate the impact of the City’s proposed CIP into the forecast. This will include alternative capital financing scenarios (operating cash vs. debt) and operating cost impacts of the proposed CIP. • You will summarize its initial findings and recommendations into a summary presentation for review with senior City financial and operations staff. • After review and approval by City staff, you will need to present results and recommendations to the City Council at the direction of the City’s project team. • After consideration and approval by the City Council, you will provide a final written report reflecting the approved rate plan, all outcomes of the study, a detailed discussion of the methodology, and summary reports from the rate model.