Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1) The Contractor shall provide and install new check valves on PVC piping in the lift station. This shall include any PVC found to be in a state of failure within the lift station shall be replaced with new. 2) The Contractor shall provide and install new pump seal gaskets to seal pump to discharge piping. 3) The Contractor shall provide and install new guide rails for pumps to be installed/uninstalled on. 4) The Contractor shall provide and install new pumps to replace the existing. Pumps shall be like for like in horsepower and GPM and voltage. The lift station at the campground shall be upgraded to three (3) phase power from single phase. This shall also include new wiring from pumps to control (Motor Starter). 5) The Contractor shall install new float controls including wiring to the pump control panel. The Contractor shall include a high-level float to be wired to a strobe warning light outside on top of the pump control box. 6) The Contractor shall supply and install new pump controls including motor starters, level control boards if applicable, relays, any component needed to rebuild pump controls. 7) The Contractor shall supply and install new operation switches. Switches for each pump shall operate as follows, manual on-off-automatic. 8) The Contractor shall be responsible for having the lift station pit pumped as many times as necessary to complete all work. 9) The Contractor shall pull new wiring from pump control box to pump pit for power and control at 75 and 175 Wren Way. Pumps control box and floats shall not be replaced just wiring. 10) The Contractor shall be responsible for providing and installing one (1) two hundred (200) Amp three (3) phase two-zero-eight (208) pole service including meter, panel box, conduit, wire, and pole to power lift station number three (3) – (campground). This shall include all permits and fees incurred with this service including final inspection. 11) The Contractor shall replace pump controls and pumps with three phase equipment including wiring upgrades in lift station number three (3) (campground lift station). 12) This shall be a turnkey job all aspects shall be complete, and operation demonstrated to park staff.