Specifications include, but are not limited to: renovation of an existing factory building to house technical education programs. The work includes renovation of all areas of the building. The existing factory space will be converted as required to house Automotive Technology and Diesel Technology programs including related classrooms and storage spaces. A CDL program will operate on the site with classroom space inside the building as well. Remaining space in the factory area will be designated for future use by Industrial Training programs. Existing office space adjacent to the factory area will be fully renovated to accommodate the needs of the college at this location. Structural modifications are to be made to an existing pre-engineered metal building as needed for new programs. Sitework will consist of new asphalt and concrete pavements, and new sidewalks. Grading and drainage will be altered as needed for new site features. All electrical systems are to be replaced and/or upgraded including a new electrical service entrance. Existing HVAC systems will be upgrade and new systems will be added as needed for new program spaces. HVAC work will include new controls systems. All plumbing fixtures will be replaced and/or upgraded throughout the building.