Specifications include, but are not limited to: We are seeking complete design and construction of beaver dam analogs (BDA’s) and post-assisted log structures (PALS) on Second Water and Bob Wright Creeks. The work schedule includes: Conduct site assessment, determine numbers of BDA’s/PALS and site locations. Construct up to 100 BDA’s and 100 PALS to low-tech process-based design specifications at each job site. Up to a total of 200 structures. Bid will be based per structure. Posts are 7’ in length. Posts need to be installed with at least 50% being driven into the stream bed. Weaving material will be packed systematically and tightly to stop sediment. CONTRACTOR FURNISHED PROPERTY AND SERVICES: Contractor will supply chainsaws, safety equipment, survey equipment, and other required tools for all crewmembers. Contractor will supply weaving materials for BDA structures. Examples include pinyon, juniper, subalpine fir or spruce other options can be authorized by UDWR. UDWR will need to approve the source of materials due to potential bird nesting activities. Emergency transportation will be provided by the Contractor at all times. Crew members shall not be allowed to work alone. Contractor will be responsible for providing hotel or other living accommodations for crew and a vehicle to travel to the work site each day...