Specifications include, but are not limited to: General Scope 1. The vendor is to supply containers, delivery and pick-up service as scheduled, on-call and on an as needed basis for the various City facilities. Pick-up service, container size and/or point of service may be added, deleted, or amended as needed with a three (3) day notice, either written, faxed, emailed or phoned, by the City of Wichita. Any and all changes in service are at no additional cost to the City. 2. Each quarter, a service report (i.e., Points of Service) will be emailed to the City of Wichita Purchasing Department to the attention of the designated Buyer. 3. A local vendor is preferred due to necessary equipment and personnel being available to respond on the same day or within twenty-four (24) hours to all service requests. The vendor shall respond to a service request on the same day if the request is submitted by 10:00 a.m. or on the next day if service request is submitted after 10:00 a.m. 4. For containers that are damaged or vandalized, including graffiti, the container is to be replaced at no cost to the City of Wichita. 5. Any missed service shall be picked up within 24 hours at no additional cost to the City.