Specifications include, but are not limited to: • Assist GHS in formulating investment objectives and review the existing investment policy for adjustments as needed based on the investment options agreed upon. • Develop a regular performance evaluation report outlining the results of all investment options required by the plan. This report shall contain accurate investment returns calculated for each investment option, a comparison of those returns to those of appropriate peer groups and benchmarks, and any other information necessary to assist the Health System in their fiduciary duty to oversee the plans investment options. • Be independent with respect to the plans’ investment options, and disclose any possible conflicts of interest, real or perceived. • Fees are competitive, predictable, and transparent. • Attain an average annual, inflation-adjusted total return (net of investment management fees) of at least CPI plus 3% over the long term, as measured over rolling 5-year periods. GHS will focus on total return without regard to whether that return is in the form of income or capital appreciation. • Attend at least one Finance Committee meeting per year to present the investment performance report and recommendations.