Specifications include, but are not limited to: Task 1 Environmental Document Preparation The CONSULTANT shall perform Environmental Services as directed by INDOT. The work may be reviewed by one or some combination of the following: the District, the Environmental Services Division and FHWA. The work will be accomplished following all of the relevant local, state, and federal laws and regulations; FHWA and INDOT guidance documents; and all other pertinent and applicable federal and state requirements. The CONSULTANT shall develop the environmental analyses by coordinating with personnel responsible for the development of the project scope, as well as the INDOT project manager and the Office of Environmental Services Division. If requested by the INDOT project manager, the CONSULTANT shall attend the initial field meeting to identify potentially sensitive environmental considerations as well as any other field meetings that are necessary to conclude their work. The CONSULTANT shall be responsible for activities required to successfully complete the environmental documentation required by the NEPA and other pertinent and applicable laws and regulations. If the scope of a project changes following approval of the environmental document, the CONSULTANT may be asked to assess whether the document is still valid, and prepare additional environmental documentation if needed. The CONSULTANT shall be responsible for notifying landowners and obtaining access as per State laws. The CONSULTANT shall provide all necessary specialized studies required to complete the environmental document. This may include, but is not limited to, red flag investigations, historic properties and archaeological investigations, air quality modeling, traffic noise modeling and barrier feasibility analysis, wetland delineations, endangered species studies, Section 106 documentation, Section 4(f) documentation, hazardous materials investigations, environmental justice investigations, and cumulative impact studies. The CONSULTANT shall be responsible for scheduling Section 106 consulting party meetings, CAC meetings, coordination meetings, and resource agency coordination meetings, as needed. The CONSULTANT will work with the District and/or Central Office staff to address INDOT’s public involvement policy. The CONSULTANT shall act as INDOT’s representative at public information meetings and public hearings. INDOT, or the CONSULTANT in coordination with INDOT, will schedule and conduct public information meetings/hearings. The CONSULTANT shall be responsible for attending and participating in the presentation of information and production of displays/materials needed for INDOT’s public information meetings/hearings. The CONSULTANT will provide other services as directed by INDOT to complete the work. Deliverables: The environmental document and/or other studies will be transmitted to INDOT electronically for review/approval. The CONSULTANT shall provide copies of all hard-copy and electronic correspondence related to the project if specifically requested to do so by INDOT. Otherwise, the CONSULTANT shall maintain a full record of such correspondence for subsequent review by INDOT at their discretion. And other associated permits. Task 2 Topographic Survey Data Collection When directed, the CONSULTANT shall survey the project location. The CONSULTANT shall obtain deeds of record, subdivision plats, survey plats, section corner location information, highway plans, and section or auditor plats for all properties within the project limits. The CONSULTANT's survey shall be in accordance with I.C. 25-21.5; 865 I.A.C. 1-12; and the INDOT Design Manual (IDM) which is available online on the INDOT website, and which is incorporated by reference. If there is any conflict between I.C. 25-21.5, 865 I.A.C. 1-12, or the INDOT Design Manual, the order of precedence shall be: 1. I.C. 25-21.5 2. 865 I.A.C. 1-12 3. INDOT Design Manual Deliverables: The CONSULTANT shall provide INDOT with all survey information relative to the project, as specified in the IDM. This includes: a certified survey field book, recorded Location Control Route Survey plat (if required), and all required electronic survey files as defined in the IDM. Deeds of Record, subdivision plats, survey plats, section corner location information and section or auditor plats for all properties within the project limits shall be submitted with Grade Review Plans or other early stage of plan development. The signature, seal, date and registration number of the land surveyor, registered in the State of Indiana, who was in responsible charge of the survey, shall be affixed to the Survey Book submitted to INDOT, along with current contact information of the surveyor. Electronic survey data submittals shall be in a format that is compatible with software requirements as per the IDM. The INDOT CAD Support Team has developed standard resource files such as design templates (seed files) and survey-data processing (.xin) files. The most current INDOT seed.dgn and survey.xin files made available through the CAD Support Team shall be used.