Specifications include, but are not limited to: a) Sidewalks are inclusive of their assigned areas. b) The contractor is to monitor snow fall and commence plowing and cleaning of sidewalks in the areas designated on the attached maps when snow reaches a depth of three (3) to eight (8) inches unless otherwise directed by the Project Manager or their authorized representative. c) In the event of heavy snow accumulation during working hours, 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., the Contractor will be notified and expected to commence work within four (4) hours of notification. d) The National Guard has drill periods on weekends, the contractor will be required to provide snow plowing and sidewalk cleaning on some weekends as well as weekdays. (NOTE: The state will not pay for contractor overtime costs, only the agreed upon costs of the contract.) e) The contractor must comply with all applicable State and Federal labor, wage and hourly rates, safety and associated laws, which have a bearing on the services provided. f) Disposal Sites: Snow generally does not need to be moved for any great distances as there are suitable disposal areas for most facilities at the end of most parking lots. Contractor shall ensure all spoil (snow removed from areas under this contract) is pushed/hauled/stacked within the designated disposal sites to allow for placement of the nominal seasonal snowfall accumulation for the areas being serviced.