Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. MARKET DEFINITION AND ANALYSIS: The Proposer shall define and analyze the New Orleans metropolitan market including, but not limited to, the ability to define the catchment area and potential leakage of passengers to and from other airports. B. ROUTE ANALYSIS: The Proposer shall analyze route performance and recommend opportunities to increase passenger and cargo flights, recommend new passenger and cargo airlines, and recommend routes projected to be financially viable. The Proposer shall use, but not limit, the following considerations when making recommendations to the NOAB: 1. Historic and forecasted volumes, service patterns and seasons for international and domestic routes 2. Traffic and revenue forecasts for new operations based on QSI factors, including total passengers, projected load factors, yield analysis, stimulation, market share, estimated operating costs and potential route profitability 3. Historic and forecasted comparative data and analysis showing why New Orleans represents a strong opportunity for a targeted carrier to provide service on specific route(s) C. RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT: Proposer shall provide relevant details on established, key relationships with each applicable airline. Information provided here should provide sufficient evidence of well-established relationships for the consideration of Selection Committee Member scoring. 1. Proposer shall be available upon advanced request to accompany the client in travel, and attend domestic and international air service development conferences throughout the globe. 2. Proposer shall be willing and able to participate in client presentations at air service development conferences and other industry related events. [Example]: Proposer has worked with an airline(s) for 10 years. The Proposer shall work with Airport staff to identify ways to further develop and strengthen direct airport-airline relationships in both the short and long term.