Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Demolition: Includes all labor, equipment, materials, fees, transportation and incidentals needed to demolish, remove and legally dispose of all components: 1. Removal of all existing asphalt. 2. Relocation of existing sign out of proposed path. 3. Removal of existing bench. 4. Removal of existing wooden structure on wall face. 2. Construction: Includes all labor, equipment, materials, fees, transportation and incidentals needed to correctly construct all proposed components. 1. Site grading adjustments according to plan set. 2. Preparation and installation of proposed pervious pathway with metal edging from entrance to end of trail. 3. Installation of proposed handrails 4. Construction of Envirolock Retaining wall system. 5. Reinforcement of concrete structure utilizing CMU wall block with scratch coat finish. 6. Installation of native plant material.