Specifications include, but are not limited to: This project will consist of installation of a chain link perimeter security fence and gate on the grounds of the Iowa Conty Quarry. The work to be performed is illustrated and depicted on the drawings included herein and these special provisions. In general, the work will include Provision of materials and installation of an 8-foot chain link mesh with a dual extension arm and barb wire topping security fence. The work shall be complete including fence, security uppers, 20-foot opening gate, posts, mesh, barb wire, concrete, and all other miscellaneous work or materials to provide a viable functioning unit at the location as depicted. Work will include placing post bases, erecting post uprights, placement of mesh, bracing, tensioning of all materials, installation of a dual 10-foot (20-foot opening) double swing gate along with other incidental items as deemed necessary and depicted. Contract services shall include but not be limited to the following items of work: removal of asphalt and subsoils; placement of concrete post base supports; construction, erection, fabrication, and installation of all necessary work, materials, products, labor, equipment, and other incidentals as necessary to complete the work as depicted on the drawings and stated herein.