The goal of this project is to bring in cross systems expertise to strengthen the SACU service delivery model to provide high quality person-centered, home and community-based services and supports to Dually Diagnosed Populations, strengthen crisis stabilization aspects of the service delivery for people with IDD and behavioral health conditions, to assist ODDS and our partners in planning and design of an integrated care crisis system. We expect this funding to support development of a plan for implementation and possibly, initial costs needed for implementation. The resulting contract will focus on SACU’s current staffing model and model of care. The following RFP is phase one of a larger project that may be extended to expand after the award of the resulting contract. ODDS is seeking a successful Proposer to: a. Conduct labor market research and analysis; b. Provide an assessment of the SACU program to ODDS; c. Provide recommendations for both short and long-term plans as a result of the research conducted; and d. Assist ODHS in successfully implementing the changes proposed