Specifications include, but are not limited to: 4.1. All equipment and accessories shall be of current model, new and unused, under standard production by the manufacturer. All parts utilized on the unit(s) shall be new and unused. 4.2. The bidder agrees to guarantee the design, material and workmanship of the unit(s) bid according to the standard factory warranty and a copy of the warrantees shall accompany the bid. 4.3. All bids shall include any and all shipping charges to the address of said delivery locations. If shipped to other locations, a quote from the contractor is necessary to attach to the purchase requisition prior to the order being placed. 4.4. Complete specifications and literature on this bid shall accompany the bid. Any exceptions to these specifications shall be indicated on the bid or on a separate attachment to the bid labeled as such. 4.5. The successful bidder shall supply all fasteners, hardware, wiring/cabling, tools and equipment required to install said bid equipment, as per manufacturer’s specifications. Successful bidder shall install, service and maintain the units for the duration of the rental agreement. 4.6. Washing cycles will be for cold water wash only. 4.7. Delivery shall be scheduled on or before Friday, November 29, 2024, as the current agreement expires on November 30, 2024. 4.8. Copy and Paste the following for reference to UniMac Specifications. DL_AU21-0068_Brochure_SmallChassis_en-US.pdf (ks.gov) 4.9. Equipment Specifications ITEM: Washer/Dryer Stackable Unit BRAND: Unimac MODEL: UTEE5ASP175TW01 VOLTAGE: 120/240/1 (16) EACH for bid – Unimac Commercial Stack Washer/Dryer (Electric) – Front control, supply injection, six preset cycles, cycle adjustability, additional cycle options with lights that indicate cycle progress, moisture level indicator light. Cold water wash. Chemical dispensing system, chemicals and maintenance of said system. ITEM: Dryer/Dryer Stackable Units BRAND: Unimac MODEL: USEMNAGS173TW01 VOLTAGE: 120/240/1 (4) EACH for bid - Unimac Commercial Stack Dryer – Electric head source, front controls, four preset cycles, cycle progress lights. 4.10. Preventative Maintenance Checklist 4.10.1. Washer Maintenance 1. Inspect for proper door operation. (Solenoid, switches, latches, magnets, etc.) 2. Check all manufacturer safeties – door, balance, switches, etc. 3. Check inlet, flush and spray pressure hoses for leaks/corrosion 4. Inspect chemical supply box for chemical build-up. Flush if needed. 5. Check door gasket for proper seal verifying no leaks or damage 6. Check door hinges and bracket fasteners 7. Check and clean inverter box filter and fan 8. Check and tighten anchor bolts 9. Check/inspect all belts for excessive wear. Test tension 10. Clean and inspect motors. Lint removal and check for damage 11. Lubricate main bearings if needed 12. Operate customer cycle with full load and verify performance 13. Check/flush water valves for proper open and close functioning 14. Inspect internal drain system – pipes, hoses and valves 15. Inspect all inlet water diaphragms inside water valves 16. Inspect all circuits, contactors, relays and computer for build-up or loose connections or short circuits 17. Inspect main bearing for wear or play outside manufacturer’s tolerances 4.10.2. Dryer Maintenance 1. Complete operational check of all safeties including door, panel and sail switches 2. Check exhaust duct system for lint build-up. Check dampers and back pressure 3. Inspect burner, basket and lint trap for lint build-up 4. Check and clean motor for lint build-up, bearing play and vibration 5. Check all belts for fraying, alignment and excessive wear. Test tension 6. Complete operational check of controls and valves including computer, ICM, gas and transformer 7. Verify each temperature setting for each dry cycle 8. Verify that cool down settings are working properly 9. Remove and clean burner tubes 10. Remove front panel and clean lint build-up