Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. For all deliverables, the Consultant shall provide the following unless otherwise specified in a particular task: A. Draft and final of any plan, report, and technical memorandum at 30%, 60%, 90% and 100%. B. Electronic copies of all deliverables (reports, specifications, technical memos, calculations, etc.) shall be in native file format and Portable Document Format (PDF). 1) PDFs shall be prepared in 600 dpi resolution. C. One bound printed copy (for reports, technical memoranda, and design documents). D. Hard copies of plans shall be 11 x 17. E. Hard copies of specifications, reports, technical memoranda, etc. shall be 8.5 x 11. 1) Exception of limited pages that necessitate 11 x 17. F. Draft agenda three business days before scheduled meetings or workshops. G. Draft meeting/workshop notes within three business days following the event. H. Updated action/decision logs three business days after each team meeting. I. All survey datum shall use North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) and North American Datum of 1983/1991 (NAD 83/91), Washington State Plane Coordinate System, North Zone. 2. Plans/Drawings/Specifications shall meet the following standards: A. Electronic plan/drawing files: 1) Be provided in AutoCAD digital format as well as PDF files. In addition, final sets for archives shall be provided as Tagged Image Files (TIF). 2) Computer-aided-design (CAD) files shall be prepared with AutoCAD Civil 3D, Architectural 3D, MEP, Revit 2022, or AutoCAD 2021 version. CAD files shall be prepared in accordance with King County King County Road Services Division CAD Standards. Note: It is NOT acceptable to prepare CAD files with other software such as MicroStation and then export to AutoCAD format. 3) CAD files shall be prepared for full-size printing in ANSI D (22 x 34) format. All PDFs, except the 100% final submittals shall be prepared in ANSI B (11 x 17). Final 100% PDFs shall be prepared in ANSI D format. 4) Shall include a graphic bar scale. 5) Be provided on King County SharePoint site, or other cloud-based site, portable storage device, or other electronic media as approved by the Project Representative (PR). 6) Not exceed 100MB file size (PDFs of AutoCAD drawing files). 7) Be unprotected with properly embedded fonts. 8) Have the capability to be printed 11 x 17 (ANSI B) or 22 x 34 (ANSI D) size. 9) For all plans other than final plans and drawing files which are addressed elsewhere, include the label “Preliminary” or include the appropriate Professional Engineer/Architect/Professional Land Surveyor stamp, signature, or certification on each sheet. 10) Verify no signatures left “needing verification” in PDFs. 11) The plan sequence should follow the latest format in the WSDOT Plans Preparation Manual.