The Contractor shall provide brand new or like new state-of-the-art automatic vending machines that can accept cash, coins, and debit cards (i.e., card reader required) where requested by Auxiliary Services in the same minimum quantities initially as currently exist on campus. All vending machines that currently have card readers must be replaced with brand new or like new machines that also have card readers. Acceptable “like new” machines will be less than five (5) years old. Any proposed use of “like new” versus “brand new” machines must be specified in the proposal by type and number of the “like new” machines. Approval of the proposed use of “like new” machines must be given by Auxiliary Services and must be approved in advance. Brand new and like new shall be listed as certified by the Automatic Merchandising Industry Health Code. The Contractor, shall, at its own expense, furnish, install, operate, and maintain automatic vending equipment, microwaves (as related to the snack Contractor), and all equipment listed under this bid (See Attachment of Inventory) for the dispensing and display of food products, non-alcoholic beverages and other vendible products in areas located on the premises of MTC. All dispensing and display equipment requested by Auxiliary Services for all retail operations must be supplied, installed, and maintained by the beverage/snack & candy vendor at no cost to the College or Auxiliary Services. The Contractor will maintain the specific numbers and types of machines to be installed in the respective locations requested by Auxiliary Services. All machines will require a dollar bill validator, coin mechanism, and be equipped with the latest technology available in the beverage dispensing and vending machine industry. Legal title and ownership of all equipment and/or parts furnished by Contractor shall always be vested in the Contractor or its assignees. All machines shall have coin mechanisms that are able to pick up “slugs” or foreign coins without rendering the machine inoperable. All machines shall be equipped with dollar bill validators and coin mechanisms that do not allow force vending. All equipment shall be maintained in a condition satisfactory to Auxiliary Services and in compliance with the local Health Department Code and/or State of South Carolina Health Code. Selection of equipment will be agreed upon between the Contractor and Auxiliary Services. Machine fronts that can be customized should be considered.