KDOT Expectations of the Historic Preservation Consultant(s): 4.5.1 Communication: The Consultant shall be available for phone consultation with a KDOT representative on a daily basis (working days). The Consultant will also have an active e-mail address to receive from and send information to KDOT. If requested, the Consultant will provide KDOT with a monthly report on the status of all outstanding KDOT projects on which they have been authorized to proceed. In addition to active projects, status reports will include any inactive projects that the Consultant has been working on under this contract. 4.5.2. Engineering Plans: KDOT will supply half or full-size plans to the Contractor for each project as needed. The Contractor shall be able to read and understand symbols and terms used on highway maps and plans. Most KDOT projects are now in English units, but a few may still be in metric. All historic/architectural studies conducted for KDOT under this Scope of Work will be in the English system. Landowner Permission: KDOT may not have purchased the right-of-way prior to initiation of many Activity II, Activity III, and Activity IV historic/architectural resource investigations. In this event, it is the Consultant’s responsibility to get permission from the landowner and tenant (where applicable). Occasionally, it may be necessary for the Consultant to enter on private property in order to gain access to existing state or local rights-ofway or to perform work on private property...