The proposed project consists of the installation of a new, 14’ wide, 6’-6” high, 48’ long openbottom aluminum structural plate arch culvert, with angled aluminum head and tail walls. The width of the culvert is designed to meet the minimum requirements of the Vermont Stream Alteration General Permit, to span the bankfull width of Long Meadow Brook. The culvert height is defined by the geometry of the arch and will pass the 1% AEP stream flow with more than one foot of freeboard (see Hydraulics Report by DeWolfe Engineering Associates, PC, dated March 12, 2024). Proposed earthwork will include sufficient excavation to install the culvert and associated concrete foundations, select backfill of the culvert, reconstruction of the gravel surface roadway, installation of stone armoring of the stream bed and banks, and reconstruction of roadway side slopes. The project contractor will provide temporary stream diversion during construction with appropriate erosion and sedimentation controls. Site restoration will include topsoil, seed, and mulch on side slopes and the installation of a new guardrail at the culvert crossing to replace the former guardrail at the site...