The contractor shall provide an analysis of GHG emissions reductions that would be achieved through the implementation of measures identified by the state. These calculations are part of a plan that will comprehensively address all sources of GHG emissions and sinks in the state, including county sources and sinks. The deliverable analysis and calculations will be due on April 30, 2025. As mentioned above, HSEO has developed a Hawai‘i Pathways to Decarbonization Report in accordance with Act 238 Session Laws of Hawai‘i 2022 in December 2023. The strategy examines all sectors to identify priority actions and measures, which, if implemented collectively, will allow Hawai‘i to reach the State’s clean economy target under HRS 225P-5. The report included a set of economy-wide recommendations that should provide a foundation for more detailed and specific measures to be included in the CAP. In addition, the State CAP will focus on State action and policies, recognizing the role of private industry and counties. will be inclusive of actions and activities under the jurisdiction of the State and all Counties including the City and County of Honolulu, and the Counties of Maui, Kauaʻi, and Hawaiʻi Island. The City and County of Honolulu (CCH) is developing a City CAP under its own EPA award also due in 2025, and the state will work closely with the CCH to ensure coordination on issues where jurisdiction overlaps. The State CAP will be developed in collaboration with the City and County of Honolulu’s CAP, as well as with the other CAPs from Maui County, Hawai’i County, and Kaua‘i County. The contractor is responsible for: Assisting the State with measure development; GHG reduction quantification by measures; Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities Benefits and Co-Pollutant Analysis; High-level cost of implementation estimates by measure a. Assisting the State with measure development The CAP will include measures across sectors and jurisdictions to reduce GHG emissions. The contractor will support state-led efforts to develop GHG reduction measures through verification of efficacy for identified measures as necessary. The contractor will assist with community and stakeholder outreach as requested by the state, direct outreach with the stakeholders should not exceed 5-10% of contract work. b. GHG reduction measures: The CAP shall include a focused list of near-term and long-term measures that have been identified for implementation by the lead organization and any other collaborating entities (e.g., municipalities). Technical Working Groups have been formed consisting of State, County, Federal, non-governmental, and community stakeholders to identify these measures. Measures in which GHG reduction estimates will be necessary may include projects (e.g. bike lane construction, complete streets implementation), programs (e.g. free and reduced transit programs, energy auditing, public benefits energy efficiency rebate programs), or policies (e.g. carbon tax and dividend, renewable portfolio standards, clean fuel standards, etc.). The CAP will indicate the implementing agency for each measure. For each measure, the CAP must provide an estimate of the quantifiable GHG emissions reductions, key implementing agency or agencies, implementation schedule and milestones, expected geographic location as applicable, milestones for obtaining legislative or regulatory authority as appropriate, cost of implementation, identification of funding sources if relevant, and metrics for tracking progress. For each of the measures that have been identified GHG reduction estimates shall include an annual and cumulative emission reduction estimate through 2050. An aggregated emission reduction shall be calculated to inform GHG projections. The contractor is expected to follow the IPCC GHG calculation methodology or EPA-accepted emissions estimation methodology when quantifying emission reductions for various projects, policies, or programs. All assumptions, emission factors, and calculations shall be documented and the tools used (e.g. calculation spreadsheets or models) shall be provided by the contractor to the state in a publicly accessible format before the commencement of the project.