Lodgepole and Subalpine Fir 12” DBH and under shall be masticated to create 7’-21’ foot bole to bole spacing with an average of 14’ foot spacing favoring the healthiest (trees with the largest canopy cover) trees in the stand over unhealthy ones. All treated trees will be completely severed 12 inches or less from the ground and have no live limbs remaining on the stump to prevent the tree from growing new vegetative material. Masticate all dead standing species, unless it has a nesting cavity Mulch dead and down to below 2 ft height Mastication chip depth shall not exceed 6 inches, in areas where chip depths are exceeding 6” Contractor may decrease tree spacing or stop work in that area as determined by the Project Manager/Inspector Remove all lodge pole and subalpine fir within 66 feet of established aspen stands as determined by the Project Manager/Inspector. Leave all aspen unless removal is required to masticate encroaching conifers. Leave all spruce and Douglas- fir trees. Trees identified as bearing trees, or any tree blazed or tagged to mark the line of any Government survey shall not be cut or destroyed under penalty of the law. Trees with reference tags will be left uncut...