1.3.1. In addition to the Contractor requirements contained in the IFB solicitation document, for each Dump Truck the Contractor delivers, said Contractor shall be responsible for the Dump Truck in its entirety: 1. The Contractor shall ensure that each delivered Dump Truck in its entirety is compliant with all specifications listed herein. 2. The Contractor shall be responsible for the installation and/or attachment of all Body Builder components/items to the cab and chassis. 3. The Contractor shall be responsible for all performance requirements of each delivered Dump Truck. 4. In the event a sub-contractor or vendor of the Contractor fails to resolve an issue with the Dump Truck, the Contractor shall be responsible. 5. The Contractor and Body Builder shall furnish all material, labor, facilities, equipment, and supplies necessary to provide the deliverables/services required herein.