This project consists of the removal of approximately 3,810 Square Yards of 3”-3 ½” thick existing asphalt concrete pavement, subgrade preparation to allow for 4” thick Asphalt Concrete pavement, the removal, lowering and necessary adjustments of seven (7) concrete water valve cans and collars and two (2) concrete manhole rings and collars, the hauling and disposal of existing asphalt concrete pavement, concrete and all debris. Metal plates or other approved means shall be used on the lowered sewer manhole rings and water valve cans. Aggregate base shall be added and compacted as needed to allow for the installation of the Asphalt Concrete pavement intersection repave. The supply, hauling, installation and compaction of approximately 3,810 square yards in two compacted 2” thick lifts to achieve a 4” thick Asphalt Concrete pavement repave at McCulloch Blvd. and Jamaica Blvd. intersection per Lake Havasu City Specifications. After the final paving is completed, seven (7) water valve cans and two (2) wastewater manhole rings will be raised to finish grade and have concrete collars installed, finished and protected from traffic until cured. All concrete for collars will be considered incidental to the project. The contractor will be responsible for scheduling this project with the City Representative in a time frame not to exceed 90 calendar days. Work will include the contractor supplying, hauling and installation of Asphalt Concrete Pavement; Concrete; labor; supervision; traffic control plan; traffic control; other related materials; mobilization; demobilization; tools and equipment; insurance and Workers' Compensation as required for saw cutting, grading, compaction of base material and replacement of the asphalt concrete pavement as specified in this ITB.