A. The Contractor shall be required to utilize an efficacious intake assessment for each CAL FIRE employee (CAL FIRE patient), the assessment shall assist the Contractor’s assigned mental health professional (therapist) with assessing a CAL FIRE patient’s mental health status, prior to attending the treatment center. The assessment identifies the number of days for treatment (treatment according to this contract will be eight (8) or more days consecutively). B. Contractor shall respond to CAL FIRE within 24 hours of notification, including on weekends and holidays. Contractor shall schedule, within 48 hours, an assessment test to identify the total number of consecutive days of attendance for each CAL FIRE patient. Due to the nature of incident activity, the time between scheduling the assessment and the time the patient attends the retreat may differ. CAL FIRE and Contractor may mutually agree to additional time due to incident activity with a timeframe not to exceed seven (7) days of notice. Contractor shall notify CAL FIRE if CAL FIRE patient has not responded within allowed time frames. C. If the number of retreat days for CAL FIRE patient is over 14 days, Contractor shall notify CAL FIRE to obtain further approvals before scheduling. D. The Contractor shall continuously evaluate the CAL FIRE patient during attendance. E. The assessment shall be given prior to a CAL FIRE patient’s attendance. F. Additional assessments shall be done by the Contractor assigned personnel at Contractor’s established intervals and processes. All assessments and medical diagnosis shall be kept confidential as per applicable laws and regulations. G. The Contractor shall follow and ensure application of all Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) rules and regulations (See Exhibit F, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) for more details)