2.1 General: The identification and Determination of Eligibility (DOEs) for approximately 170 bridges, 2 ports, 5 tunnels, 50 buildings, and 2 ARRC-owned telecom towers. The evaluation of up to six potential historic districts. Two historic districts have already been evaluated and determined eligible (Turnagain and Loop Historic Districts). The majority of buildings are located in Anchorage; the remainder are located in Fairbanks, Nenana, Ferry, Whittier, Portage, Healy, and Hurricane Gulch. The files needed for inventory are accessible at the ARRC office in Anchorage, Alaska. Existing data (DOEs, reports, booklets, historic contexts) will be used as much as possible. All identification and evaluation for built environment resources will be completed by an individual who meets or exceeds the Secretary of Interior Qualifications for Architectural History. Task 1 Early Coordination and meetings, draft schedules, provide GIS-based data and figures to assist the ARRC in conveying the scope and scale of the project to the FRA/FTA. Task 2 Review ARRC documentation, Alaska State Historic Preservation Organization (SHPO) data, and online repository records in order to categorize rail property types and sub-types, assemble available data for individual resources, and develop recommendations for property types or subtypes and resources that may require additional research and/or field survey. Task 3 Develop methodology for FRA/FTA/SHPO review that presents the methodology for identifying and evaluating rail properties, including the rubric used to develop the list of resources that require additional research and/or field survey, and the list of property types or subtypes and resources where sufficient information is available to rule out further work. Task 4 Based on the results of the Literature and Desktop Review and approval of the research methods, conduct field documentation and research of rail properties that require additional investigation. Task 5 Incorporate results of the Literature and Background Review and the Field Survey documentation into a Technical Report that will present sufficient historic context, evaluation and integrity criteria,