A. This work involves providing a Team Leader and necessary administrative support for completing value engineering studies of specific State projects intended to improve project quality, reduce project costs, foster innovation, eliminate unnecessary and costly design elements, and ensure efficient investments. Studies would recommend reducing project scope for items that provide minimal performance or safety benefits. Value engineering is defined in 23 CFR §627.3. Consultant’s value engineering study must be completed in compliance with the requirements of federal law, including 23 CFR Part 627. B. This work may involve providing training for State employees to ensure qualified and experienced VE team leaders and VE team members are available and adequately prepared to serve on VE teams. C. The Value Engineering (VE) Analysis is a systematic process of reviewing and assessing a project by a multidisciplinary team not directly involved in the planning and development phases of the project that follows the VE Job Plan and is conducted to provide recommendations for: (1) Providing the needed functions, considering community and environmental commitments, safety, reliability, efficiency, and overall life-cycle cost (as defined in 23 U.S.C. 106(f)(2)); (2) Improving the value and quality of the project; and (3) Reducing the time to develop and deliver the project.