1: Develop an evaluation framework that measures the program’s impact on various student outcomes. Identify key metrics for assessment (e.g., service hours, academic performance, social connections). Design and validate data collection tools for stakeholder groups including students, parents, educators and community members (e.g., surveys, interviews, focus groups). 2: Conduct data collection across participating schools. Implement data collection strategies using the developed tools to gather book quantitative and qualitative data from multiple sources. Coordinate with UServeUtah and school administrators to ensure broad participation and data reliability. 3: Analyze collected data to identify trends, outcomes, and areas for improvement. Perform statistical analysis on quantitative data. Code and conduct analysis on qualitative data from interviews and reflections. 4: Compile a comprehensive report with findings and recommendations. Develop a detailed report of data analysis and key findings. Present evidence-based recommendations for program improvement and scalability. 5: Conduct a longitudinal study to assess long-term program impact Design and implement a longitudinal study to assess the long term impact of the program on participants (e.g. academic performance, civic engagement, overall well-being).