The State of Kansas is issuing this Request for Proposal to obtain competitive responses from vendors to provide a comprehensive Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) system for public programs, community resources, and aging and disability information. The ADRC system streamlines application processes for public Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) programs, increases access to community-based alternatives that can help avoid institutional care, preserves personal resources, as appropriate, and provides information, assistance, and referral. ADRCs are intended to be “No Wrong Door (NWD)” or “Single Entry Point (SEP)” systems. They are designed to serve as highly visible and trusted places across the state. People of all ages, incomes, and disabilities can go to an ADRC to get information and one-on-one counseling on the full range of LTSS options. Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services (KDADS) is seeking a bidder to complete: • A bid for a Statewide ADRC system consisting of comprehensive ADRCs and accessible satellite or remote locations. • Each comprehensive center shall have the capacity and technology to provide the following services. The list below is not all inclusive and is not to be construed as a limitation on the services to be provided. o Information, Referral, and Assistance (including walk-in locations, statewide call center, Standard Intake, and referral for HCBS functional assessment) o Options Counseling • Enrollment Broker: ADRC will be providing legal referral only under the Medicaid and CHIP Managed Care Final Rule (CMS-2390-F) o Referrals for Functional Assessments for HCBS waivers o Referral to Administrative Case Management (ACM) services o Referral to Money Follows the Person (MFP) services.