345kV L1485 - WO: 5039136: Install new transmission line consisting of 1.1 miles of 345kV construction, 0.5 miles of which is double circuit with 115kV L1315. Retire approximately 0.7 miles of 345kV transmission line south of the new 56th & Bluff Substation which is double circuit with a 115kV line. Six steel double circuit tangent structures will be removed. To the extent practical, the existing line shall be left in place until the new line is nearing completion in case it needs to be reenergized in short notice. 115kV L1315 – WO: 5039137: Install new transmission line consisting of 0.7 miles of 115kV construction, 0.5 miles of which is double circuit with 345kV L1485. 115kV L1369A – WO: 5039137: Install new 115kV transmission line consisting of approximately 0.6 miles of 115kV construction. 115kV L1375 – WO: 5039137: Install new 115kV transmission line consisting of approximately 3.3 miles of 115kV construction. L13C104 T/C/D, L13C106 T/C/D - WO: 5039147: Install new 115kV transmission lines consisting of 0.6 miles of new single circuit 115kV construction. West Perun substation may not be ready for the final spans as part of this project.