RESTROOMS/SHOWERS: Restroom cleaning is understood to have the highest priority. Clean and service all employee and public restrooms/showers as specified. Towel dispensers, soap dispensers, toilet paper holders, baby-changing stations, and seat cover dispensers and sanitary napkin dispensers (if present) shall be checked and refilled to a full level daily. Stocking of refill supplies in the area of the dispensers is not permitted without approval from the Contract Compliance Specialist. The use of highly scented disinfectants, objectionable or odoriferous cleaners, air fresheners and deodorant blocks shall not be permitted unless given permission prior to use. TRASH: The Contractor shall remove trash from the building and dispose of it according to requirements of each facility. FLOOR CARE: 1) Floors shall be maintained in such a manner as to promote longevity and safety. Upon completion of the work, all floors shall be left in a clean, orderly, and safe condition. 2) Upon completion of daily and weekly routine work, floors shall be free of dirt, dust, film, streaks, debris, and standing water, and shall present a uniform appearance when dry. 3) Floor finish is understood to be used as a preservative and also as a safety (non-slip) factor. Finish shall be applied only to appropriate areas free of residual dirt and buildup. 4) Proper shampooing shall result in a carpet free from all types of airborne soil, dry dirt, water-soluble soils, and petroleum-soluble soils. A clean carpet shall be uniform in appearance when dry and vacuumed. 5) The Contractor shall remove and replace furniture, as required, to perform the work; exercising necessary safety precautions and following procedures designed to prevent damage to the City’s property. WINDOWS: All interior and exterior windows that do not require fall protection equipment as required by OSHA, will be spot cleaned daily. Clean along publicly accessible walkways, where no safety equipment will be required. WALLS: While ten feet away, unable to see spots, washable marks and hand or footprints on walls, unable to see streaks caused in the cleaning process. CEILINGS/AIR VENTS: While six feet away, unable to see dust, and or cobwebs. No marks or streaks on vents or surrounding ceiling. CBJ OFFICE EQUIPMENT : Note: Computer keyboards, screens, printers, typewriter keyboards, copiers, telephones, and calculators, shall not be cleaned in any manner by the custodial service provider. The user of the equipment shall be responsible for its cleaning. The custodial service provider will dust the remainder of the areas. DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS : DAILY GENERAL OFFICE AND PUBLIC AREAS : 1) Empty wastebaskets, paper shredders, and trash receptacles. 2) Clean ashtrays and sand urns. Sand is to be provided by the Contractor. 3) Dust and clean fingerprints from all exposed furniture tops, including desks, chairs, tables, lamps, filing cabinets, shelves, windowsills, and ledges from a height of seven feet or below. This task should be accomplished in a manner that does not disturb any of the objects that are on the surface. A complete cleaning and polishing of the surface shall be done any time the surface is clear of all objects. 4) Clean, sanitize and polish drinking fountains. 5) Vacuum and *spot-clean, using an extraction method, all carpeted areas including corridors, pathways within office areas, elevators, and lobbies. *Spot cleaning and normal carpet cleaning require a submittal of method and chemical use to the Contract Compliance Specialist. DAILY RESTROOMS : 1) Refill hand soap, toilet paper, paper towels, baby-changing stations, and seat cover dispensers. 2) Empty trash container, spray and damp-wipe with disinfectant and change liner. 3) Empty sanitary napkin disposal units, spray and damp-wipe with disinfectant and replace with liner. 4) Clean mirrors with glass cleaner. 5) Clean and sanitize walls, partitions, railings, and door handles and hardware. 6) Clean, polish and sanitize sinks, showers, mirrors, and trim. 7) Clean and sanitize toilets, seats, and trim. 8) Clean and sanitize urinals and trim. 9) Clean and sanitize baby-changing stations. 10) Damp mop and sanitize floors. 11) Remove any graffiti that will scrub off. If unable to remove graffiti, report to City. 12) Refill any vending-type machines. 13) Damp-wipe, sanitize and clean doors and jambs. 14) Remove lime and scale buildup from plumbing fixtures. DAILY EMPLOYEES LOUNGE/BREAK ROOMS : Wash and sanitize tabletops, clean chair seats and backs. Empty trash receptacles, damp wipe, replace liner, and clean area surrounding trash receptacle. DAILY EXTERIOR AREA : Sweep the area surrounding the building within 10 feet and remove trash. WEEKLY THROUGHOUT FACILITY : Clean and sanitize door handles and hardware throughout facility. (Restrooms must be done daily. SEMI-ANNUALY : Use Contract Compliance Specialist approved method to clean carpet and mats. CORRIDORS : BASEBOARDS : While ten feet away, unable to see spots from mopping or waxing process. No dirt or wax buildup. Has an overall clean appearance. FIXTURES : While ten feet away, no visible cobwebs, dead bugs, or dust in lenses. Lenses are free from streaks and clean in appearance. FLOORS : 1) Carpeted Flooring : While standing on carpet, unable to raise airborne dust with foot. Carpet has clean, uniform appearance with no tractable grease; only minor particles noticeable while on hands and knees. 2) Resilient Flooring : From ten feet away, flooring has cleaned uniform appearance. The finish is clear and free from waxed-in dirt and wax buildup; may be lightly scuffed. While drawing finger to thumb at floor unable to pick up dirt, hair, lint, dust, etc. 3) Walls : While ten feet away, unable to see spots, washable marks and hand or footprints on walls, unable to see streaks caused in the cleaning process. ELEVATOR Floors : - seeCorridors - Floors Lights : -seeCorridors - Fixtures Glass, Wall & Door Surfaces : While ten feet away, unable to see spots, dust, streaks, washable marks and hand or footprints on surface; unable to see marks around light switches or door hardware; unable to see streaks caused in the cleaning process. ENTRANCE : Corners : From ten feet away, unable to see cobwebs, dust, dirt, wax buildup, dead bugs, etc. Floors : -seeCorridors – Floors Mats : While standing on mat, unable to raise airborne dust with foot. Mat has clean, uniform appearance with no tractable grease; only minor particles noticeable while on hands and knees. Wall & Door Surfaces : -seeElevator - Glass, Wall & Door Surfaces Waste Cans : Outside should be clean and uniform in appearance. Inside liner should be tied or fit tightly around rim and be the appropriate size for can. Liner should be clean and replaced when torn or soiled EXTERIOR : Ash Trays : Should be wiped clean and uniform in appearance; emptied with only a light tar buildup. Sand shall be at an appropriate level for the appliance. Sweeping, Picking Up Litter : Exterior areas have less than five pieces of exposed trash, cigarette butts, soda cans, etc.; may have a very light buildup of leaves or dirt in corners. LOBBIES : Doors : -seeElevator - Glass, Wall & Door Surfaces Dusting -Low- below Seven Feet : While ten feet away, unable to see dust. While wiping surface approximately six inches with finger, only light dust is accumulated on fingertip. Dusting - High - Above Seven Feet : While twelve feet away, unable to see dust. While wiping surface approximately six inches with finger, only medium dust accumulates on fingertip. Floors : seeCorridors - Floors. Glass, Wall Surfaces : -seeElevator - Glass, Wall & Door Surfaces. Lights : -seeCorridors – Fixtures OFFICE-EQUIPMENT AREAS : Baseboards : -see Corridors - Baseboards. Corners : -see Entrance - Corners. Dusting - Low - Below Seven Feet: -see Lobbies - Dusting. Dusting - High - Above Seven Feet: -see Lobbies - Dusting. Floors : -see Corridor - Floors. Furniture, Equipment : While six feet away, unable to see spots, dust, washable marks, foot, and handprints. No streaks or spotting caused in the cleaning process. Tops and sides have a polished appearance. Lamps : Should be wiped clean and uniform in appearance. No buildup of dust, body oils or stickiness. Partitions and Upholstery : While ten feet away, unable to see spots, dust, foot or handprints or stains on upholstered partitions. No streaks, oily residue, or spots caused in the cleaning process. Walls, Doors : - see Elevator - Glass, Wall & Door Surfaces. Was te Cans : - see Entrance – Waste Cans RESTROOMS : Dispensers, Hardware : While ten feet away, unable to see spots, dust, washable marks, and handprints. No streaks caused in the cleaning process. Dispensers should be filled to proper levels with appropriate paper products and/or soap. Floors : - seeCorridor - Floors. Mirror : While ten feet away, unable to see spots, dust, handprints, or streaks. While wiping top edge surface approximately six inches with finger, only light dust is accumulated on fingertip. Partitions : - seeElevator - Glass, Wall & Door Surfaces. Showers : While three feet away, unable to see scale, dust or dirt around valves and spout. Walls and floor are free from discoloration and buildup inside. The outside is clean, with no streaks. No odors are present. Sinks : While ten feet away, unable to see spots, stains or streaks caused in the cleaning process. No visible scale or other residue around faucets. No scum or buildup around drain or drain screen. Has a polished appearance. If sink is located in a kitchen or break room, ten feet away, no visible crumbs, food items, spots, fingerprints, or oily residue in sink and outside of appliances. If dishes are in sink, cleaning of the sink must be omitted. Toilets, Urinals : While three feet away, unable to see scale, dust, or dirt around flush valve. Bowl and rim are free from discoloration and buildup inside. The outside is clean, with no streaks. No odors are present. Wall & Door Surfaces : - seeElevator - Glass, Wall & Door Surfaces Waste Cans : - see Entrance – Waste Cans Ceiling Vents Dusting : While six feet away, unable to see dust, and or cobwebs. No marks or streaks on vents or surrounding ceiling. While wiping surface approximately six inches with finger, only light dust is accumulated on fingertip. STAIRWELLS : Rails, Walls : While ten feet away, unable to see spots, washable marks and hand or footprints on walls or around handrails; unable to see streaks caused in the cleaning process. Handrails are grime free. Steps, Landings: 1) Cement Flooring: From ten feet away, flooring has cleaned uniform appearance. While drawing finger to thumb at floor unable to pick up dirt, hair, lint, dust, etc. 2) Resilient Flooring: From ten feet away, flooring has cleaned uniform appearance. The finish is clear and free from waxed-in dirt and wax buildup; may be lightly scuffed. While drawing finger to thumb at floor unable to pick up dirt, hair, lint, dust, etc. WINDOWS : Blinds : While ten feet away, unable to see dust. While wiping surface approximately six inches with finger, only light dust is accumulated on fingertip. Glass : - seeElevator - Glass, Wall & Door Surfaces- Sills, Frames : - see Lobbies – Dusting- MISCELLANEOUS : Air Vents : While six feet away, unable to see dust, and or cobwebs. No marks or streaks on vents or surrounding ceiling. While wiping surface approximately six inches with finger, only light dust is accumulated on fingertip. Water Fountains : While ten feet away, no visible scale around discharge unit. No scale or streaks on basin or drains and has a cleaned polished appearance. EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SUPPLIES : Contractor will furnish all equipment, materials and supplies needed to fulfill the requirements of the contract (paper and vending products, cleaning chemicals and equipment, etc.). Funds received from tampon/feminine napkin dispensers are the Contractor’s. The City must approve price changes before the coin mechanism is replaced. The Contractor is responsible for the actual cost and labor for a City mechanic to replace the coin mechanism, in the event the Contractor chooses to increase the price of the product. Repairs due to normal wear and tear or vandalism are the responsibility of the City.