1. All chemistries on the automated multi-chemistry system must operate on the principle of discrete batch robotics analysis. 2. The robotics system must provide immediate, on-demand start-up, automated method changeover, and automated shutdown under computer control with no operator intervention. 3. The analyzer must be method-based, capable of replicating the sample and reagent ratios specified in prescribed manual or continuous flow methodologies. 4. The system shall be capable of analyzing tests from a combined volume of sample and reagents of 500 µL per test. If required, the combined volume of sample and reagents per test may go up to 1000µl 5. The system must allow for at least 7 chemistries to be run sequentially with no operator intervention. 6. The system shall be able to apply only the required tests on each sample. 7. The system shall not require reagent baseline stabilization. 8. The software must run under Windows 7 or higher and must perform simultaneous instrument control, data acquisition and report generation. 9. The system must not require any post-run carryover correction. As soon as the sample is through the detector, the final concentration value must be available. 10. Automatic dilution with a high resolution 1000 µL syringe dilutor must be available to enable automated preparation of working standards from a stock standard and automated dilution of off-scale samples to bring their concentrations within the working range of the chemistry.