B. SCOPE OF WORK AND SPECIFICATIONS The event specifics should include the following components: o A Multi-Day Event of at least Two Days to Encourage Overnight Stays o A Professional or Championship Rider Component o A minimum of 1,000 racers and/or participants o A family friendly component o An activity/entertainment component o Food & Beverage Concessions o A start/finish area that shows off the best of Prescott 6 o A dedicated space for vendors, expos, demos, food and beverage concessions. o A dedicated space for registration o A dedicated spectator area Documentation Requested o Individual/Company Background & Qualifications Previous events managed, number of years in operation, a list of similar events in other areas. Respondents should include any special circumstances or capabilities that you would like the Office of Tourism to know about you, your company and/or your team. Include a brief statement about any key relationships, businesses or personal, that you, your company/team has that might bring value to this event. o Detailed Event Proposal to include number of days, lists of events/races, routes, locations, and any other logistics