Desired attributes and system details include: 1. Both still and live video feeds are to be provided. 2. The preferred solution will be a fully supported cloud based SAAS implementation. However, please provide other available options such as hybrid solutions with on prem and cloud components. 3. A secure system that prevents and detects “video scraping”. 4. The current system includes ~1K cameras with another possible 500 cameras to be added. Solutions should be scalable up to a minimum of 2,000 cameras. 5. MassDOT currently uses the GENETEC Video Management system. MassDOT is open to alternative solutions that provide a wide array of functionality. 6. Various partners should be approved by MassDOT only with variable user attributes and levels. 7. Ability to administer video groups independent of the vendor 8. A web UI is highly desirable for stakeholder/partner viewing. 9. System should be able to support up to 500 partners. 10. Detection and alerting to inoperable cameras from GENTEC or in the feed as well as cameras not correctly pointed at the roadway or their “pre-shot”. 11. Ability to block cameras views from the public in emergency situations. 12. The ability to create camera tours 13. Ability to store video for a minimum of 30 days. 14. Ability to note camera location form naming conventions and GPS feeds or GIS layer. 15. Ability to detect roadway incidents, stopped vehicles on surface roadways and in tunnels, pedestrians in roadways and tunnels